Integrated Tamale Fruit Company (ITFC) is located in Gushie, 45 km north of Tamale, the capital city of the Northern Region. Incorporated in 1999 under Ghana Company code, ITFC’s activities currently are the cultivation, nursing and marketing of grafted mango and mango seedlings as well as the promotion of indigenous species of trees. ITFC operates a nucleus farm alongside with an outgrower scheme and an ultra-modern drying facility and processing factory.
All operations of the nucleus farm and its ultra-modern nursery are GlobalGAP (Good Agricultural Practices) certified. The nursery has the capacity to produce 90,000 healthy and vigorous seedlings per year that can withstand the harsh environmental conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa.
ITFC has a modern drying facility and processing factory, which currently processes fresh mango into dried mango slices and chunks for both export and the Ghanaian market. The drying facility is certified Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) as well. ITFC’s drying facility is registered with the Ghana Standard Authority (GSA) and the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) of Ghana.